Travel Guide: Southampton, NY

IMG_0641Hey everyone! I recently got back from a trip out to Southampton for my friend Natasha’s birthday! Since seeing it on Gossip Girl and hearing about how boujie it is, my gal friends and I had been wanting to go for years! It was in a lot of ways exactly what we thought it would be like in the sense that there’s a lot of upper class people and people are driving luxury cars like Porsche’s and Bentley’s on every corner. A lot of our friends gave us advice that when people go to the Hamptons, they typically rent a house and stay in that house to party (rather than going out to a lot of different places). Since we don’t live near NY, we wanted to do a lot of exploring while we were out there and I wanted to share that with you guys! Continue reading

Travel Guide: A Girl’s Guide to NYC

Processed with VSCO with f2 presetI’m so excited to finally share with you all my girl’s guide to NYC! You might be thinking “Emily, you live in Atlanta, how are you confident that you know enough about NYC to do a “guide”?” Have no fear, I worked every week in NYC for 10 months (yes flying back & forth between cities) & also consistently still go back. Although there are SO many places I love in NYC, this is my list of my all-time favorite spots! These are the spots that if someone asked me to go right now, I would go in a heartbeat. I also included some extras in here just to make your trip in the best city in the world even better! ;)

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Chiffon Ruffles in NYC

DSC05733.JPGTop (similar one here & here) | Pants | Boots (similar one) | Purse (similar one) | Curling Iron | Headband (similar one) | Sunglasses

Ah I am actively trying to catch up on blog posts from last month since I was in both NYC & Asia! I am so grateful for being able to travel to NYC so often & for getting to know the city better than I ever thought I would (I’m going to get a “Girl’s Guide to NYC” post up soon!). On my last trip, my Mom went with me for half of it & we had a great time exploring the Chinatown in Flushing, rooftop bars in Flatiron (one featured below), and so much more!  My favorite outfit I wore on the weekend was for sure this ruffle look! The softness of the ruffles & baby blue really balanced the edgy, dark look of my jeans & leather jacket. My boss once called my top “funky” in a nice way. Haha I love it & suggest giving ruffles a try (I didn’t expect myself to like them as much as I do now!).

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Twirling in Florals (NYC)

_DSC6266EditedDress (similar one here) | Shirt (similar one) | Watch | Purse | Flats (similar one here) | Ring (similar one here)

I’ve been so excited to be back in Manhattan this week after a month of being away (since I changed work projects and my new client’s not in NYC). There’s just something special about this city that makes me want to stay outside for an extra minute or to go to one more new place I’ve never been. One thing I’ve always loved is the way that people dress here and look effortlessly stylish. An outfit that’s really easy in my opinion to feel confident in is a maxi dress. For this particular look, I paired mine over a royal blue scoop tee and added some dainty accessories! P.S. I also flew with this maxi dress on one time and it was so incredibly comfortable- definitely recommend doing it if you have plans in the city as soon as you fly in like I often do!_DSC6274Edited Continue reading

10 Things I Will Miss About NYC

_DSC6640Edited_DSC6779EditedDress | Sneakers | Necklace |Lipstick | Watch | Bookbag | Pom Pom

It is so crazy to me that it’s my last week in New York. I’ve been working here for the last 10 months which basically means I’ve been flying from Atlanta or another city into NYC every week for almost a year. Although I’m feeling  a lot of mixed emotions, many of you know that New York City is my favorite city and there are so many things that I’m going to miss. I created a list of 10 things I’m going to miss the most and have included it at the end of this post!

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NYC: Trench Coats & Stripes

IMG_2852Trench Coat (similar one) | Dress (similar one) | Sunglasses| Tights | Boots (similar one) | Tote Bag | Headphones| Lipstain

Let me first get to my outfit details before I get into the whole story of why I was in NYC even though I was supposed to be in Atlanta lol (bottom of the post). My mom bought me this Cynthia Rowley trench coat about a year ago and I always get compliments on it when I wear it! It’s perfect for casual wear in the city or as a light jacket for work! This outfit was influenced by Burberry ads I had seen the week before- I love how simple but stylish this look is! Check out the links above to see where I got everything/ similar pieces.IMG_2755

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